Thursday 13 December 2012

Reviewing my Production Work Part 1

This is the final stage of my project for the television advertising unit, where I have to analyse my own production work. I will be discussing what I have done, what skills I have learned, what issues were notified, what went successful and what I would do differently if I had to the project again.

I will also look back on whether or not my production fits the purpose of the project, whether it is appropriate for the audience, whether the techniques I used were effective (as well as the contents) the impact my work may have had on viewers and how professional it were.

First of all, I am going to mention that the idea of a Lion King homage for the Lynx Africa Commercial   belongs to my classmate Jack Rowlandson. His idea for this advert, was to produce a commercial which will have a nostalgic impact on those who have seen the classic Disney movie and for it to be rememberable. Those who have most likely seen the Lion King movie would now be older adolescents and young to middle aged adults, since the date of release for the Lion King was in the year 1994 (on the 7th of October) so, males (and females) aged 18 and over in 2012 will be able to recognise the significance of this Commercial, since this is who the target audience is.

My own idea, which I had explained in an "Idea Pitch" using a powerpoint presentation was revolving around an anti-piracy campaign aimed at a younger demographic, who are downloading unofficial contents from Interactive Media Resources (i.e. the Internet)
A lot of the research, which I carried out in order to give me some background information for my presentation, was Secondary. I used News Reports supplied from Google and the BBC, which reinforced the idea that the downloading of unofficial content, means that a negative impact has occurred for the Creative Media Industry (in both Distribution & Exhibition sectors)

My commercial would be the conventional time length of 30 seconds long and would involve two young actors aged between 17-21 (one female and the other male) to perform the role of a couple who are on a date, watching a movie together at home for the first time. However, their evening would be spoiled by the boyfriends suggested use of watching a pirated DVD of a movie, which had no sound and a fuzzy visual. The Boyfriend is then to be seen to start fretting and thinking that their relationship is having a bad start due to a bad quality date. The girlfriend appears to have an official DVD of a different movie, they watch this one instead and the date increasingly gets better. The idea behind this is to persuade a younger demographic (who at the time are starting an interest in relationships and so on) that having better quality products will lead to a better quality of Life.

Here on your left you can see I have taken a print screening of some of the slides, which are from my powerpoint presentation. All of this information is also included in a proposal, which I was asked to construct.

The powerpoint and the proposal had information enclosed about who my target audience was, what background information I had researched and which persuasive techniques I was going to use if my idea was picked.

Unfortunately, my idea was not picked. However, if I was to back and do it again I would have perhaps elaborated more on what I wanted to do and why I wanted to do it. Maybe even some examples of other advertisements used in anti-piracy campaigns could have been included.

Moving on from this, as a group we were asked to conduct a meeting to discuss which advertisements would be the most successful to produce. We analysed each idea, reviewed all of the issues and how we could resolve them (if we were to produce a specific idea) and discussed the time scale on how long it would take to
 accomplish producing the commercials.

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