Friday 14 December 2012

Reviewing my Production Work Part 2

As a result to our Group Meeting discussion, we had decided to produce Jacks Lion King Homage and Connors 'Gangnam Style Lucozade' Advert.
It took us several days to film and two weeks for the footage to under go post-production.

During the production of the Lynx Africa commercial, I was given the role of assistant Director and as a performer to play the female interest of the advert. During this time, I have learned that I am very critical thinker; since I was always being confident when it came to questioning whether things were being done right and whether or not the shots would look professional (in a non-antagonistc way)

The only issues I would declare were that more Direction was needed when it came to other students and their individual job roles; I realised that on several occasions some people didn't understand what they were being asked to do and felt like the instructions given weren't as clear as they could have been.
Also, a contingency plan should have been constructed in the case of mishaps taking place. For instance, the main performer did not show- so we had spent a couple hours, wasting time trying to resolve the problem. If a 'plan B' had been put together, I feel as though we would not have wasted time. In future, for all my productions I will be constructing contingency plans. This is something I have learned quite strongly to do.

On the other hand, I can quite honestly say that once the issues were resolved, producing the commercial was a delight. Everyone as a team pulled together and volunteered for job roles, which weren't originally theirs.

By the end of production, it was time for the post-production stage....

Usually, I find this process a bit daunting; due to my lack of knowledge and experience in using editing softwares. Compared to last years production work, this years first assignment has been quite successful to my surprise! Hopefully my grading on editing skills will have improved in comparison to last years.
I feel as though I have worked more confidently and independently when it comes to the editing process of my production work.

In addition to this, the technical quality of the commercial is fairly adequate; since it meets all of the codes and conventions needed to make a successful advertisement.

It is evident in other blogs, that I have spent several weeks studying the various codes and conventions commercials have and which lines of appeal can be used to persuade individual viewers to purchase the product or use the service that advertisers are advertising.

This is one of many rememberable Lynx Commercials, the one here is the 'Lynx Dry' advert. It was typically aimed at men who wanted to attract good looking girls, without premature perspiration getting in the way. It was basically an overactive drama narrative used to get mens attention and allowing them to relate to the situation.

Other well known Lynx Advertisements are also well known for surrealist narratives set in realistic environments. Take for instance the Lynx Dark Temptation Advert, a man uses the Chocolate scented spray and literally turns into a desirable piece of Chocolate! As a result of this, he attracts all kinds of different women who are trying to get a taste of him.

Pack Shot of the Lynx Africa Products

So, in effect- with the Lynx Africa being a Lion King Homage, this too will have the same impact as the other Lynx Commercials.

Whilst editing, I had decided a would use a colour  theme of yellow, red and orange: sunset colours! And by accident, I had chromakeyed out the original colours of the Lynx Africa theme and replaced them with African Sunset colours. This turned out to make the products look even better than the originals (in my opinion) as it blends in more with the background.
 Further more, you can see that I have used the conventional catch phrase 'Get the Girl' and I have used a special font to create a modern urban feel to the advert.
Nathan Taylor as the Talent. 

Print Screen of the Slogan

At the end of producing my commercial, I was asked to conduct a peer evaluation meaning I had to ask what other people thought of the Television Advert. The three main aspects, which were considered were:

  • The well chosen use of intertextuality (using the Lion King for a nostalgic effect on the audience)
  • The pace of the commercial
  • And how well it was produced, it appeared to be very professional. 

There were no negative comments revolving around the commercial and I too have nothing negative to say about the production. Only, I wish I had more time to use the footage we captured to create a longer 'cinematic trailer' for the Lynx Product.

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