Thursday 8 November 2012

07/11/12 Group meetings

On this day, we were split into two different producing groups: group A and group B (I was placed within group A)

We were asked to discuss, which of our ideas would be more of a success to create depending on whether or not the idea applies to the R.O.C.K.Y acronym.

The acronym stands for:

R - Relevant
O - Orignal
C - Commitment
K - Kash
Y - Your access

All of these individual factors need to be considered, in order to create a successful advertisement.
So, as a group we analysed each of our individual ideas and assessed, which would be the most effective.

Jacks idea, for the 'Lynx Africa' commercial is completely original, inspired by Disneys Lion King Movie he has came up with a sort of humorous parody. Since the Lynx Spray is an 'African' scent, it is quite apparent that the Lion King is also set in Africa. He wanted the deodorant to be iconic, as in the first scene of the movie when a young Lion cub is born and lifted for all to see. This will be mimicked with the Lynx can and will give it a powerful meaning. However, in the commercial it will be lifted by a young man, which other people have followed to see how 'cool' this guy is once he sprays himself with it. Budget isn't really of concern, since the commercial will be produced in college facilities. But, if  this was to be produced in a studio or on another location then the budget would be quite high. This also goes for the talent needed, we will need a large amount of extras and these will all be performing arts students. if these were professional actors supplied by Talent Agencies, the cost would also be a lot higher. Jack has notified us, that we will be filming outdoors. So, weather could be a problem, as if it rains we will be unable to film. this, we have decide to film Second.

Connors idea, is for a Lucozade Energy Drink Commercial. Personally, this was my favourite idea because of the synergy with the mainstream song 'Gangnam Style', which is widely known amongst a younger demographic audience. Plus, I can visualise how the TV Advertisement would look once it is edited. Connor has decided that he wants his advert to start off like a realistic narrative: an office worker  has a limited amount of time to finish his work brief, but he is too exhausted. Then, he drinks from a bottle of Lucozade and we see that he becomes two different people. One speedily finishes his work and the other relaxes, since his work is being done at the same time. This seems to be the most achievable idea and it doesn't need many actors to perform in it. However, if we were to produce this officially as a working professional the budget may have been a problem, since a large amount of money would be needed. The location, which Connor would like to film is quite accessible; as he would like to film in a computer room for the office scene and in the hallway, where there's a couch for the relaxation scene. We will begin to film this on the 08/11/12.

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