Wednesday 21 November 2012

21/11/12 Post-Production Preperation

Today in lesson, we have been assigned several tasks, which we must complete:

  • To label & store the footage of the commercial we wish to edit
  • To check the materials for any mistakes and the correct continuity
  • To capture the clips and set up the the capture scratch on Final Cut Express
  • And create bins with names to help organise the editing, according to what the shots involve.
I have chosen to edit the Lynx Africa Parody of the Lion King, since usually editing and post-production is something I need to improve my skills in, I have chosen to challenge myself with the more complex production.

So far I have been reviewing the footage and re-labelling all of the shots, since there was a complication with starting up the Final Cut Express programme. I have named them all according to what shot or angle has been filmed and who is starring in the footage.

The next stage, will be importing them into Final Cut Express, now that the problems with the editing software has been resolved. I will need to set up the capture scratch and create bins, which I will put various shots into them to separate them into groups, according to their type of shot.

But, before I do this I am going to review each individual clip to check in great detail, whether there are any mistakes or faults, which could bring my editing/ producing marks down, since this is going to be marked for my editing unit and the unit on Television Advertising.

I will be posting another blog, with further updated information to show that I am evidentially completing the tasks at hand :)

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