Friday 16 November 2012

15/11/12 Re-shooting Connors Commercial

After we had filmed Jacks Lynx Africa Commercial, we had decided we would re-shoot Connors commercial since after reviewing the footage, we realised that it did not looks as professional.
The main problem with the footage was the lighting and Connor had mentioned that he was unhappy with the narrative.

As a result of this, we planned to film the advertisement one more time to ensure that the final product would look the best it can.

To improve the production, we had decided to extract the dance sequence, which takes place after the main character drinks from the Lucozade and shot a different sequence (which we'll have to edit to be split screened) where the character drinks from the and splits into two different emotional characters; one being happy relaxing whilst the other speedily finishes his work a minute before his deadline is due.

In the last footage, Connor wanted it to be shot with a dim light effect, which seemed to be emitting from the Apple Mac screen. However, the footage looks too dark and the illusion of it being set in night time is completely amiss. So, this time we kept the lighting of the classrooms set and this seemed to improve the footage on a grand scale.

All in all, the footage now looks improved and Connor is happy with his video production. The next step now would be to go into post-production, editing it.

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