Thursday 8 November 2012

08/11/12 Filming Connors Commercial

Today, we have begun producing Connors Gangnam Style Lucozade Advertisement. We were all given job roles, in order to produce it.
My job role originally was to be the camera operator, but due to a headache I asked to switch jobs with Nathan. My role was then to be the camera assistant.

The production of the advert was fairly successful, as we worked together as a team and managed to meet our target aims.

The only aspect we needed to work on was keeping to date with the log sheets and making sure that we   get enough various camera angle shots.

This was in the first half of the day of producing, the second felt as though it was much more achievable.

When we filmed the other scenes we were in the green screen room, this felt a lot more sustainable as were able to move around more and do our individual jobs.

Tomorrow, we will be looking at producing Group B's Lynx Excite James Bond intertextuality advert. This seems as though it will be more fun than todays producing, since there's going to be more of a challenge.

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